Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Erin Condren Life Planner!

Now, I know this blog is to be primarily dedicated to all things mama, but quite frankly, I believe that every good mama needs a good planner.  To me, a planner is not just a notebook that keeps track of my  schedule, but serves several other roles, such as: financial adviser, lesson planner, secretary, dietitian, personal trainer, and sanity keeper.  I use my planner for EVERYTHING.  

I discovered the wonders of Erin Condren Life Planners in January, and immediately ordered mine, falling in love with it at first sight.  I used it religiously during the remainder of the school year and throughout the end of my pregnancy, helping my mama brain keep track of everything from work topics and family gatherings to prenatal and pediatrician appointments, bills to pay, and meal plans for the week.  At work, people would stop me to ask where got my beautiful, custom designed planner and I proudly exclaimed "Erin Condren!"

One glorious day this summer, I happened to go to the EC facebook page and saw that EC had announced the new, 2012-2013 edition of the Life Planners. While the old one was fantastic, the new one had amazing features that made me giddy like a kid in a candy store... laminated tabs? 2 page month views? a slightly thinner feel? Sure, I had 6 months left on my current LP, but especially now having gorgeous pictures of my sweet LJ, I couldn't resist, and set out to order the new one immediately! My husband, who usually thinks I am crazy about "silly" things and that spending $60 on a planner is outrageous, didn't even bat an eye this time, knowing how much I used my 2011-2012 edition.

I chose to have mine start in August, so that a) it will go along with the school year and, more importantly, b) when they come out with the 2013-2014 edition, I won't feel guilty buying one right away in July :)

I did buy the EC pens, but personally, I would recommend using the ever popular Flair pens or Sharpie pens, as the EC pens were really, not all that great. I can never have too many pens, so they'll still be put to use, but for me, they did not really do the job or seem worth the price.


  1. I LOVE Erin Condren planners, too! I'm on my second one - and purchased them as Christmas gifts for my son's three teachers. They all loved them, too!

    Thanks for the feedback about her pens, I was debating on whether or not to order them.

    Next on my wish list - one of her custom iPhone cases!

  2. They really are the best planners! As teacher, I would LOVE receiving one as gift! What a great mama! :)

    And you're welcome for the pen info. I had looked everywhere but could not find reviews when I bought them. I love the planner, but the pens are definitely not worth it in my opinion. They feel flimsy, the pink barely shows, and one of the "clicky" parts of one pen just plain broke when trying to use it. Luckily, it was a color I don't use much. I love EC products still though! <3
